reduce anxiety daily
Attention time traveller! You might be thinking so deep into the past or future that it’s tough to find pleasurable presence in your day.
You’re analyzing your every move to make sure you’re following the right directions to make sure you stay on the singular agreed-upon path of 🏆 The Successful Life 🏆. Any deviation from the path brings gut-gripping terror to even small decisions, risking total collapse of the big life plan. Pursuing your dreams feels impossible when anxiety is in the driving seat.
Sometimes when your head is full of critical thoughts about what you did or what you haven’t done, you’re trying to measure up to expectations of external authority. So who has given you the directions to success? You could be reading someone else’s map, or the map society has sold you.
To redraft your map of success, start small. The way you move day-to-day adds up to the life you create for yourself. Bringing in pleasureful presence means identifying and loosening rigid long-term habits that could be hindering your life goals. Pleasure cultivates room to play, summons curiosity, and new experiences can flow. This way, you broaden your options of how to spend time in the present moment, without being stuck and overwhelmed with choice or trapped in scarcity.
Here are a few slices of space you can bring presence and pleasure into your daily routines today.
⏰Put on a danceworthy playlist as you make breakfast and move to awaken your body's creative flow.
⏰Next time you brush your teeth, try humming a tune to open your throat space. You manually kickstart feel-good chemicals in the brain and disrupt zombie-mind.
⏰When you put clothes on for the day ahead, bring awareness your movement to feel the range of sensations in your skin, muscles, and bones.